The Spirit of CSS Tricks is now gone


If you haven’t heard the news, Geoff Graham — the chief editor behind CSS Tricks — got fired by Digitial Ocean yesterday, a few months after they acquired it.

This is leaving a bad taste in my mouth because Digital Ocean did promise to keep the spirit of CSS Tricks running…

But they blatantly broke the promise…

I know this because Geoff was fired without any warning.

Geoff didn’t quit.

Geoff wanted to keep the site going — even though he was the only person doing all the editing behind the giant platform for the past few months.

Chris had left. And now Geoff is gone too.

I’m deeply saddened by this, because it means that the platform that I know of and have grown to love over the years is now gone.

The platform that rekindles my love for web developement by staying joyful, nerdy, fun, and supportive is now gone.

The spirit of the site is now gone.

The site is going to change and become a cold corporation like Digital Ocean. Business-only. And this is obvious from the way they laid off Geoff was being treated…

And the world is losing a great source of technical content.

And at this point there is nothing much I can do about the spirit of CSS Tricks leaving…

Except to put the joy, love, fun, and all that warmth I received from CSS Tricks over the last few years into the products I’m going to create in the future.

I hope the platforms I’m creating this year, Magical Dev School and Dojo, retains some of the CSS Tricks spirit — being joyful, nerdy, supportive, open, willing to share.

While I may not be able to replicate CSS Tricks because I do things differently from them, I hope I can give you the warm, fuzzy, and joyful feeling that I get from being around CSS Tricks…

And with this, i want to allow myself to have some time to grief for the passing of the platform.

And I want to take the time to thank Chris and Geoff for all the work they’ve been putting into it over the years.

They’ve contributed to my life in many ways, and without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

So if Chris or Geoff, if you actually do read this, thank you for the work you’ve done.

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