
Creating good analogies

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Many beginners believe they cannot understand JavaScript because JavaScript is abstract.

But JavaScript isn't abstract. Programming isn't abstract either.

People feel that programming is abstract because they don't have a proper hook to understand it yet. Programming can become real and relatable once a proper hook is installed.

This hook comes in the form of analogies.

Your first Git commit

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Note: This the second video in the Git for beginners series. [Watch the first video here][1].

Today we're going to talk about how to make your first Git commit.

How to write a good coding article

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A good article shows a student how to think through a problem. The student will go "oooohhhhh!" as they read through the article. They'll understand the concept they're trying to learn, and they'll stop searching the web for the same topic.

Lousy articles do the opposite. Students get more confused as they read through the article. They may even wonder if they have what it takes to learn programming.

It doesn't take much to turn a bad article into a good one. The content can remain the same. You only need to get five factors right.

Setting up a Git Client

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Today we're going to talk about Git. You're going to learn what is Git and how to setup a Git client on your computer.

The key to teaching

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A good teacher has many skills.

They know how to communicate well, They know how to explain things, they know how to tell if students are confused. They also know how to tease questions out of students.

There's a never-ending list of things to get good at if you want to teach well.

But there's just one thing that holds them together. If you get this one thing right, everything follows.

Starting a podcast

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I'm going to start a podcast.

But why am I starting a podcast when I'm already doing video every Friday?

Where to find people to teach

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You can teach anyone who wants to learn what you already know.

You can find these students in many places, both online and offline. Here are a few strategies you can try.

Visual Studio Live Share

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Today I'm going to share with you an awesome plugin that lets you live code with other people. It is called VS Live Share.

What we're going to do today is to setup VS Live Share. I'll also show you how to start a collaboration session and join a collaboration session.

What to do when life shits on you

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My wife got hospitalized today.

We never expected this to happen. Last night, we came back happily from eating a Wagyu beef buffet. It was great. My wife left the restaurant smiling from eye to eye. She was completely satisfied with the meal.

But this morning, she felt breathless. She didn't have the strength to move around, and she felt her heart was beating so strongly that it almost beat out of her chest.

So she went to the neighborhood clinic...

And the doctor told her to go to the hospital.

Finding mentors

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We usually think of people when we think of mentors.

But that's a mistake.

Because mentors don't have to be people.

How to get CSS values in JavaScript

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CSS alone is not enough sometimes. You might need to control your CSS values with JavaScript. But how do you get CSS values in JavaScript?

Turns out, there are two possible ways, depending on whether you're trying to get inline styles or computed styles.

Finding motivation

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Many people rather relax than work.

They say they don't feel motivated to work. They need to feel motivated.

Sounds familiar?

Why you shouldn't reassign values in JavaScript

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In JavaScript, you can reassign values to variables you declared with let or var.

I used to reassign values a lot. But as I got better with JavaScript, I realized you shouldn't reassign values if you can. This is because:

  1. You may change external state by accident when you reassign values
  2. You create more complex code when you reassign values

Dealing with overwhelm

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It's easy to feel overwhelm as developer. We have so many things to learn.

We need to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, animations, frameworks, dev tooling, and new things that pop up every now and then.

I wouldn't be surprised if you're overwhelmed. I feel overwhelmed too. Every single day.

Why you learn when you teach

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The best way to learn is to teach.

You've heard many people say this. But is it true?

I knew teaching had benefits. For example, if you teach, people will know you exist. People may be able to learn from your experience. But learn? I was skeptical.

But I realized the statement is true. You learn best when you teach. I can vouch for it after teaching frontend development for many years.

This article explains my thoughts on why teaching others help you learn.

Dealing with confusion

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It's normal to feel confused when you're trying to learn something new.

Some people hate this feeling. I know I do. But it's important to feel this confusion.

5 things I learned from Infinity Wars

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Infinity Wars was amazing. I recommend you watch it—even if you think the plot, the cast, or even the ending sounds silly.

I learned five things from the movie. I want to share these things with you (and talk about how they relate back to life, coding, and learning).

Note: there's going to be spoilers.

Finding time to learn

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You know learning is important. You want to do it, but you can't seem to find the time.

You're drained after work. All you want to do is relax on the couch. On weekends, you want to spend time with friends and family.

How do you find time to learn?