What developers should be learning


Many developers are learning frameworks and algorithms to keep up with trends — so they can continue to be employable.

That’s one way of looking at things. But I propose another approach.

Instead of following the trends, you might want to ponder over what caused you to want to become a developer in the first place.

  • What did you want to build?
  • What are you still trying to build?

Try to look beyond the surface answers and go deeper if you can.

As you ponder through these questions, you may realize that none of the things the “developer world” cares about actually matters to you. And you may notice an inkling of something else that matters. (This is what you should spend your time learning).

If this happens to you, you might begin to detach from the trends of the external world and begin to manifest what matters to you.

And when you do so, you may become more fulfilled and less frustrated as a developer.

Hope these words help you in some way.

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