You can’t write like Seth Godin


People normally say this if you want to write short articles. That’s because you won’t be able to get SEO traffic for such an article. (Google doesn’t like short articles).

Plus — you’re not famous enough — so nobody reads your thing, nobody shares, and nobody cares. Writing like Seth yields the same result as shouting into a vacuum from an SEO standpoint.


  • I’m not writing like Seth because I want to be like Seth.
  • I’m not writing these articles for SEO purposes.

I’m stealing this short and sweet format because I find it works for me.

  • It’s easy to write.
  • There’s wisdom in concise words that long-form explanations cannot convey; like quotes, albeit longer.
  • I’m trying to capture the wisdom that comes through me.
  • I’m sharing my work, hoping that someone would benefit from reading any of those pieces, in any scenario, now, or in the future.

There are many reasons to support you in writing in the way you wish to. There are also many reasons to disapprove of you.

Why bother listening to those voices that tries to stifle and silence yours?

Your voice is uniquely yours. It can (and should) shine be expressed. We are all better when you are willing to be generous enough to write and share.

Want to become a better Frontend Developer?

Don’t worry about where to start. I’ll send you a library of articles frontend developers have found useful!

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