

The chinese language is filled with hidden meanings that you can uncover if you study the word forms.

Busyness is represented by 忙 (máng) in Chinese.

When broken up, the characters that constitutes 忙 is 心 (xīn) and 亡 (wáng).

  • 心 (xīn) - means the heart
  • 亡 (wáng) - means death / obliteration

Busyness, or 忙, then represents your heart’s impending doom.

Interestingly, there is another character that contains both 心 and 亡. That character is 忘 (wàng), which means to forget in English. But the character combination, 亡 followed and 心, suggests the heart is dead.

Related to this is 死心 (si xin).

死 means die.

死心 is usually used to as an expression for “giving up”. The close relation to 忘, or 亡心 (if broken up), also suggests that one forgets when they give up on something.

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